There is a part of me that already hates The Cheek. And it's for the worst reason ever. People claim the worst band name change in recent history is 'The Muslims' converting to 'The Soft Pack'. But for me it has to be 'Cheeky Cheeky & The Nosebleeds' changing to 'The Cheek'. Yes, it was a bit of a daft one and took a while to say, and yes, it's probably all Joe Lean and the 'Jing Jang Jongs' fault, but it still bothers me. Another reason is that they don't seem to play 'I've Grown Quite Fond Of You' anymore (they could yet restore all my faith if they do indeed still play it, or include it on their debut album).
Anyway... The Cheek are still good, as proved by recent single 'Hung Up'. Here's the video for it. They just need to do something special for me to forgive them (I bet they lie awake at night and worry over this.)