This year had alot of great debut records, but it also saw the return of a number of supposedly 'landfill indie' acts coming back fighting with superior second efforts. Jack Penate and The Horrors are prime examples, especially The Horrors, given the gulf between their woeful debut and this years transformation with the brilliant 'Primary Colours'. For The Maccabees however, this would prove difficult, as their first album 'Colour It In' was a landmark album held dearly by most indie followers in the mid-noughties. To top it would require something special.
'Wall Of Arms' IS special. It was nearly my favourite record of the year, and probably my most listened to. Every aspect of this record was spot on. When listening in full, it's hard to pick out individual tracks, each on blends into the next with such ease that they are not distinguishable, when of course, when heard separately, they quite clearly are. It is alot darker and evolved than their first record, the best description of this LP I found being "a collection of atmospheric, heartfelt pop songs that frequently fly off at unexpected angles." A note also has to be made that the album shares the same producer as Arcade Fire's 'Neon Bible' and this was obviously a part of why the record is such a treat. It's all a highlight, but I must pick out 'Love You Better', 'Can You Give It', 'Young Lions' and 'Kiss and Resolve' for special mention.
This come back has given me alot of hope. Bands from a few years ago that I loved seemingly all fell away, lost their direction and never moved on, got dropped or just split up. It was so reassuring to see one that I loved progress, while maintaining the things I loved about them, and being received and enjoyed by wider audiences. Proof that work really does pay off.